1 Second delay in page response will decrease customer satisfaction by 16%

Why Buy Linux Shared Hosting from Magicworks Host

Google MOD Page Speed

MagicWorks Host provides Google’s PageSpeed module on its Linux shared web hosting servers to speed up your site by improving bandwidth usage and web page latency without changing existing content


DDR3 ECC introduces a high bandwidth ‘double data rate’ interface. With this Modern RAM the most common internal data corruption errors are detected and corrected almost instantly

E-commerce ready hosting

Your website requires a tool kit to function with speed and efficiency. Using your SSL certificate, you can now secure e-commerce transactions and gain the trust of users both existing and prospective

WordPress toolkit included

To secure and safeguard word press themes, and plugins. Word press provides a complete tool for its management and security.

Daily Backup

Backup website files, folders, databases with our automatic daily cloud backups – no more worrying about lost data.

Daily CRON Jobs

Cron is a time-based job scheduler that is responsible to automate repetitive tasks. You can insert the exact time/frequency with specific commands and an email address for the Cron to function


We have a range of popular FTP clients like FileZilla, CuteFTP, SmartFTP and more that work well with our hosting servers. File transfer protocol (FTP) becomes a necessary tool to manage and transfer file or folders from your local computer to remote server.

DNS Management

With Custom DNS name servers, you can give specific names like ns1.xyz.com to your DNS servers using a built-in control panel providing 100% control on your domain. Additionally, your branding can be used to redirect emails to third party servers.

DDOS Protection

MagicWorks Host’s free Enterprise DDoS Protection for its shared hosting customers includes automated and manual detection of DDoS attacks and their mitigation with a defined set of filtering rules & IP disabling.

Built-in Core Security Features

To ensure the security of the website, MagicWorks Host provides highest security that facilitates Atomicorp ModSecurity Rules, CloudFlare Server Shield and outbound antispam.

Email Spam Protection

SpamAssassin is a spam detection technique that comes free with your shared hosting account. It is connected to your mail server that automatically detects spammed emails from the list.

Stats and Analytics

To analyze the performance of the website, we provide AWstats to each domain. AWstats pulls out a series of graphs pertaining to detailed report of site visitors and the duration of the site visit.


cPanel is a control management software widely used with the web hosting panel of linux. With easy to use icons, it is a user friendly hosting panel that saves time, energy and resources.

Is your website in secure hand?

Loose 20% traffic as having spam
attached because of unsecured server.

Increase 20% Traffic and Decrease 1000%
headache with secure Linux Shared Hosting

CMS Applications with one-click installation for Linux Shared Hosting

Install PHP, PERL, JavaScript applications to your website with one-click Softaculous auto installer

Wordpress Hosting

  • Wordress has become the go-to site if you are looking at getting your website or blog up effortlessly.
  • Simple to use, it does not require any technical learning and results in excellent outcomes.

Joomla Hosting

  • You can publish web content via Joomla: an open source content management system.
  • Built on a model–view–controller web application framework, its key function is to create applications with content that sells.

Drupal Hosting

  • With least programming skills, Drupal offers API for developers with basic website installation and administration of the framework.
  • A community supported content management system, Drupal is widely used by local businesses and global corporations.

Magento Hosting

  • Magneto Provides a user friendly online shopping experience and offers online merchants flexible shopping, cart system, control overlook, content and overall functionality of their online store.


Linux web hosting services provide a wide range of valuable and useful tools that come handy when creating a website. With no technical knowledge, this ‘one-click installation’ is the way to go. We have curated 5 reasons why you should consider choosing Linux hosting.

  1. Linux is an open-source platform that allows users to use add-ons from other free applications to build convincing websites.
  2. Developers are continuously working to introduce new technologies that make this server more flexible and compatible.
  3. One of the easiest and most economical servers.
  4. If you ever decide to discontinue Linux hosting services, Linux allows changing servers from Linux to windows without hassle. You can rest assured that this change will not affect your website performance in any way.
  5. For the technical experts, Linux allows scripting language like PHP, MySQL, Perl, etc and databases like SQL, MySQL etc.

For more information. Reach us at Phone: +91 9764 74 6633 | Mail: sales@magicworkshost.com

Magic Linux Shared Hosting Benefits

Fast Response Time
Get a Quick Response to your support Query

Powerful Server
Get a powerful server and additional resources

Optimal Network Uptime
Magic With 99.9% Uptime

Plenty Of Web Hosting Options
Upgrade / Downgrade at Anytime

Free Server Migration
Free & Smooth Migration

Control Panel
Manage Multiple Websites

Don’t just take it from us. See what our customers says about us.

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Frequently Asked Questions?

Linux is a Unix-like operating system with top notch stability and security that allows users to experience features like PHP, MySQL, Apache, PostgreSQL, Python, Ruby, SSH and much more. The good news is it is an open source server available for free.

Linux comprises unbeatable speed, reliability and a long list of more than 150 different pre-installed features. With unlimited email accounts, MagicWorks Host, secure server SSL access, streaming audio and video, PGP and total account management this is perfect for you if you are a team with large members on it and need to integrate your web services under one system.

If you choose Linux for hosting your website, it comes with a Panel facility. A C-panel acts as a control panel to manage your website with ease. You can add and remove email accounts, administer MySQL databases, and a lot more etc. C-panel is full of features that are secure and leave you in total control.

Do reach out to us for an elaborate consultation in which we work towards giving you the best options.