Now a days, cyber security is becoming an every-day issue for IT infrastructure and applications. Hackers do attacks in different forms like phishing emails, denial of service attack etc. Considering this, choosing a secure web hosting has become mandatory for every website owner.
Here are some of the simple steps you can do to secure your website.
Choose secure web hosting
One of the important factor in ensuring security is your web hosting provider. If the hosting of the website itself is not secure, all efforts to strengthen the security would go down the drain. Hacker can get access to the server infrastructure. As a result, he/she can easily compromise all the websites running on it. So, it is crucial to check security measures taken by the web hosting provider before buying a hosting plan.
Please check what facilities the hosting provider gives related to security. Among them, provision of automatic backup and continuous technical support are the key ones. In case, if the website gets hacked, you would be able to restore it. Backup and restoration may need help from technical support team.
Latest up-to-date software
We are aware that new versions are released for each software platform. Every new version has not only functionality enhancement but also security improvements. Hackers are aware of loop holes in the older versions. They always try to exploit these to gain illegal access. To avoid this, you need to make sure that you have the latest version of the software installed.
Strong passwords makes it more secure
Hackers know that human beings are sometimes casual in their approach. We do not take enough care while setting up passwords. Simple passwords can prove to be a weak link and hacker can easily gain access.
These hackers use sophisticated software programs to attack and crack the password. Hence, it is recommended that strong passwords should be used. Strong passwords do not break easily as they contain lower case letters, upper case letters, special characters, numbers etc.
Use https, SSL Encryption
You must use SSL certificate for your website. This will ensure that when you send the sensitive information like Adhar card number, social security number, bank account details, passwords etc. it goes in the encrypted form.
Regular Backup
In recent years, we have noticed cyber-attacks like ransomware. IT infrastructures and servers of many businesses went down because their entire data was encrypted. The viable solution for such ransomware attack is restoring the original data. To make this possible, you need to make sure that regular backup of your website is taken.
Secure web hosting: Vulnerability Check
Vulnerability is a potential flaw in the software which is not yet exploited by the hacker. There are tools which can find out such issues in your software or scripts.
Installation of latest versions and regular update of security patches would take care of most of the problems. But you should make sure it is done meticulously.
When your online business starts growing, security may seem to be a bigger threat. In such situation, it may be a wise to talk to security experts. You can take consultation to find and fix any vulnerabilities in your website. This way you would not only protect your revenue but customers and your brand too.