Online business is dependent on technology like web server, internet, routers etc. Due to some technical issues it may happen that website becomes inaccessible. The time for which the website…
Customers want fast websites. Digital marketers know that web page speed impacts the ranking in search engine as well as Google ads. In summary, for all stakeholders are looking for…
Website is hosted on internet and is available for public access. The very purpose of creating it is to reach more and more people. As it is publically available asset,…
It was generally believed that website speed would affect only search engine optimization efforts (SEO). Because web page loading time or speed is one of the important factor in Google…
The idea of taking your business online is for increasing the customer reach. You want to reach out to potential customers across the world who may be interested in what…
Choosing a good, robust web hosting provider is always a question for newcomers in online business. Even veterans, need to think about many aspects when they want to shift or…
You may be a blogger, web developer, entrepreneur or small business owner. While taking the business online, one important question we all face and that is what kind of web…
Now a days, cyber security is becoming an every-day issue for IT infrastructure and applications. Hackers do attacks in different forms like phishing emails, denial of service attack etc. Considering…
When a website is hosted on internet, it is open to the world. Today, number of attacks on websites are increasing day by day. Hence, it is imperative to take…
When you buy web hosting space on the server, it is like you are buying an office for you on internet. Your web pages are like information brochures, contact forms…